بيان صحفي

FAO Representative in Iraq stresses the importance of water as critical source of livelihood for Iraq and for sustainable agriculture and food security

١٤ مارس ٢٠٢١

Baghdad, 14 March 2021 – The Representative of the Food and Agriculture of the United Nations for Iraq, Dr. Salah El Hajj Hassan, attended the second day of the 1st Baghdad International Water Conference

FAO contributed to the conference technically at three levels, HQ, RNE, and FAO-Iraq. The FAO technical session, held on the second day of the conference, was opened by the DDR of RNE, included technical presentations and input from FAO staff from HQ, RNE, and FAO-Iraq. Besides the Iraqi minister of water resources, a representative of the prime minster office as well as the Syrian, South Soudan and Somali water ministers also attended the technical session. Despite the fact that virtual participation was only by invitation, around 65 participants attended virtually, besides a nearly full conference room at the venue.

Speaking at the closing session today, Dr. Elhajj Hassan emphasized that water is a critical source of livelihood for Iraq and important for sustainable agriculture and food security. El hajj Hassan said, "Before concluding my remarks, I would like to, echo the FAO Director General opening remarks and extend FAO's sincere thanks to the Ministry of Water Resources for this effective successful, and productive conference, and I wish to thank all the speakers and experts for their contributions." He also thanked the donor partners especially the European Union and Japan, for funding FAO irrigation projects in Iraq as well the Netherlands for the efforts in co leading with FAO the donor group on agriculture and water.

At the end of FAO's session a video was presented about FAO activities of Al-Jazeera Irrigation system in northern Iraq, which include footages for rehabilitating irrigation canals and gates, reconstructing 11 bridges, repairing a pumping station, demining the project area, and replacing the damaged parts of 150 linear irrigation system.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, the Minister of Water Resources presented the shield of the first Baghdad International Water Conference to FAO Representative in Iraq in recognition of FAO role in the development and revitalization of the water sector in Iraq

كيانات الأمم المتحدة المشاركة في هذه المبادرة

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

الأهداف التي ندعمها عبر هذه المبادرة