Milestone achieved for developing poultry and tomato sector strategies in Iraq
٢٤ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١
Baghdad: Under the auspice of the Ministry of Agriculture, the International Trade Centre is facilitating the elaboration of the poultry and tomato sector strategies within the framework of the European Union-funded project, “Strengthening the agriculture and agri-food value chain and improving trade policy in Iraq” (SAAVI) under the leadership of the Government of Iraq.

National consultations to support the process of sustainable and inclusive development in the poultry and tomato value chains in Iraq, were held in Baghdad on 13 September 2021.
These national consultations are a milestone towards the elaboration of national strategies for the poultry and tomato sectors.
Building on a series of more than 20 consultations and assessments at the district and governorate levels with public and private sector stakeholders, domestic market research analysis and the results of implementation of surveys to over 600 farmers and SMEs, the national consultations are instrumental in elaborating strategies for the two sectors.
The strategy design process will produce two endorsed, coherent and comprehensive documents that will serve as a compass for the government, private sector and development partners to improve the competitiveness of farmers and small and medium enterprises in these two sectors, contributing to the national pathway towards sustainable food systems, inclusive growth and job creation for Iraq citizens.
Aligned with national planning frameworks, the strategies will specify clear priorities eventually producing a concrete five-year plan of action (2022-2026) that will not only define roles for implementing institutions but also provide an implementation management framework.
Public sector and private sector representatives, civil society and development partners participated in the consultation sessions. They discussed the current situation and the future opportunities in developing the tomato and poultry value chains. The sessions provided a platform for engaging into realistic priority setting based on understanding market trends and requirements, and for defining realistic and achievable plans for action for expanding sector performance.