بيان صحفي

SRSG Kubiš Condemns Baghdad Suburb Terrorist Bombing: “A premeditated and Wanton Aggression” against Civilians

٣٠ أبريل ٢٠١٦

Baghdad, Iraq, 30 April 2016 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq, Mr. Ján Kubiš, strongly condemns the suicide bombing that targeted pilgrims and shoppers at a livestock market in the southeastern Baghdad suburb of Nahrwan today, killing or wounding many civilians.

The SRSG offers condolences to the families of the victims and wishes the injured speedy recovery.

“The terrorists have once again targeted with premeditated and wanton aggression pilgrims who were on their way to exercise their religious duty and other civilians seeking to provide a living for their families”, the SRSG said.

Mr. Kubiš praises the Iraqi people’s resilience, despite all the suffering, in the face of such attacks which aim, in addition to killing and maiming, to undermine national unity.

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UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

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