بيان صحفي

Statement from the SRSG, Ad Melkert, on the National Iraqi Elections

٠٨ مارس ٢٠١٠

Baghdad, 8 March 2010-I congratulate the more than 12 million Iraqis who went to the polls, some braving insecurity, to cast their ballots for a better future, marking the historic character of election day.  This turnout was beyond the expectations of many. I commend the IHEC Board of Commissioners and the more than 300,000 Iraqis engaged by IHEC, for their efforts to conduct elections in a well organized and professional fashion.  UNAMI is proud to have supported their work.

I congratulate the Iraqi Security forces, who were solely responsible for all security on election-day for safeguarding the electoral process, despite efforts by some to deter Iraqis from voting.  There can be no doubt that the Iraqi people stand together in their wish that reason prevails over confrontation and violence.

UNAMI visited polling centers in Anbar, Ninewa, Kirkuk, Erbil, Najaf, Sulaimania, Salahadin, Diyala, Basra, Dohuk and Baghdad.  We were pleased with the conduct of the vote and the evident enthusiasm for the elections among the different Iraqi communities. I join Iraqi and international leaders in the call for patience and restraint as the results are counted and tabulated. I also encourage political agents and observers to continue to monitor the process, and to direct any complaints to the IHEC in accordance with the law.  Only IHEC can announce the official results of these elections, which will be certified by the Federal Supreme Court.  

The most crucial moment will arrive when the results are announced. The UN calls on all candidates and parties to unite in accepting the results. This will set an example for a culture of democracy that requires commitment beyond elections. The UN also calls on all those newly elected to move resolutely to seat parliament and form the new government so that political, economic and social progress is not delayed.

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UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

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