Women Navigating Durable Solutions To Displacement: Experiences From Ninewa Governorate

This qualitative study, conducted in Ninewa Governorate, Iraq, delves into the experiences of women in navigating durable solutions to displacement. By speaking to women in urban and rural areas, and from diverse ethnoreligious backgrounds, the study combines their voices with extensive quantitative secondary data to illuminate the challenges and barriers women face. Methodologically, the study targets IDP and returnee female-headed households, non-female-headed households, and young women, supplemented by interviews with local and international key informants (KIs). Focusing on women's agency and decision-making, the study addresses key barriers to reintegration: (i) decision to return, (ii) access to documentation, (iii) housing tenure, (iv) livelihoods, and (v) social networks. The goal is to provide a comprehensive analysis to guide programming and advocacy efforts supporting internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees.