Press Release

Canada supports vulnerable families in Iraq through WFP

31 December 2020

BAGHDAD, 31 December 2020 – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) received a contribution from the Government of Canada of CAD 5.5 million, to assist up to 356,000 vulnerable displaced Iraqis and Syrian refugees across Iraq to meet their monthly food needs.

Canada’s generous contribution is vital to WFP’s life-saving response during the COVID-19 pandemic, when many people lost jobs and their sources of income. As a long-term partner of WFP, Canada’s ‘multi-year’ commitment to communities in need, especially people exposed to more vulnerability such as women and girls, means that WFP is able to effectively forward-plan, to best meet people’s requirements.

In all WFP’s activities, women, men, girls and boys are always consulted, enhancing gender equality in the decisions made about their assistance. Special distributions of food or cash also take place for people who are unable to travel to redeem their entitlements, such as new mothers or the elderly. When people have questions or concerns, both women and men staff (according to person's preference) are available to respond, in-person or by phone, via the Iraq Information Centre (IIC) hotline for people assisted.

In late 2020, WFP Iraq commenced a gender transformative programme, towards enhancing strong gender elements in all its activities.

“WFP is extremely grateful to the Government of Canada and the Canadian people for their long-term support to families in need, during a challenging period in Iraq,” said WFP Iraq Representative Abdirahman Meygag. “We thank Canada for continuing its partnership with WFP, both in Iraq and beyond.”

Canadian contributions to WFP in Iraq are used where most needed. In past years, they have been used towards resilience and livelihoods projects, supporting families who return home following conflict to help rebuild their lives.

Sharon Rapose

Sharon Rapose

Communications Project Manager

UN entities involved in this initiative

World Food Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative