Field visits to villages of Al-Gosh (Telkif district)

Under the project Support to agricultural livelihoods of rural and peri-urban returnees and communities in Nineveh Governorate, Iraq
FAO Representative in Iraq, Dr. Salah Hajj Hassan, and the FAO expert, Dr. Chedly Kayouli, accompanied by the Director of Nineveh Agriculture, Dr. Duraid Hikmat Tobiya, have undertaken field visits on Thursday 22 April 2021 to villages in Al-Qosh sub-district, to meet some of the beneficiaries of the FAO-EU funded project “Support to agricultural livelihoods of rural and peri-urban returnees and communities in Nineveh Governorate, Iraq.”

In the morning, the mission met with a cattle dairy producer "Ashur Yoel Khio"in the village of Berozawa. He received green fodder seeds (ryegrass) while his mother is processing and marketing traditional dairy products such as butter, yoghurt and varieties of cheese. The family pointed out that lactating cows fed with green fodder are producing more milk with higher fat content.
Then, the FAO mission visited farmer "Khallat Kret Ramo" from Sheikhka complex, who is also benefiting from the cultivation of green fodder, and his wife and daughters are processing and marketing traditional dairy products (cheese and yoghurt). The attendees visited the farmer’s ryegrass field and discussed how the farmer is benefiting from it. The farmer "Khallat Kret Ramo" presented the different steps of cultivating the forage from receiving seeds until its cutting and benefits of distribution ryegrass to sheep with increased quantity and quality of milk.
The FAO Representative in Iraq, Dr. Salah Hajj Hassan said of the mission: It is a great pleasure to join Dr. Duraid Hekmat Tobya, Director of the Directorate of Agriculture in Nineveh, and engage with beneficiaries in the field and see how much they welcome our support. It is very evident that agriculture is an important income generator in the rural and peri-urban areas, and we are happy to introduce new and innovative technology, management practices and equipment.
FAO expert Dr. Dr Chedly Kayouli said he was pleased to show progress made by the team. In particular he thanked the extension staff from Nineveh Directorate of Agriculture, as they are an important pillar of capacity development for the project, namely through their engagement in field farmers schools, farmer field days workshops and other training sessions.
Dr. Duraid Hekmat Toby (DoA Director) said he was impressed by the project’s success and he wished to thank FAO and the EU, as donor of the project. He said he was particularly pleased with the size of the project that allowed benefits to be spread across all districts and sub-districts of Nineveh Governorate, including Bashiqa, Hamdania, Bartella, Hammam Al-Alil, Al-Mahlabiya, Tilkif, Alqosh, Zammar, Rabiaa and other agricultural locations in the governorate.