Press Release

New contribution from Japan supports UNDP’s Programme on Community-based Reconciliation and Reintegration in Iraq during COVID-19

09 April 2021

Baghdad, Iraq, 09 April 2021 – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Iraq has welcomed a US$8.2 million (JPY 883,636,344) contribution from the Government of Japan to support community-based reconciliation and reintegration in Iraq with a focus on families perceived as affiliated with ISIL in Anbar, Ninewa and Salah al-Din governorates and those affected by increased gender-based violence and harsh economic conditions due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The contribution will be instrumental in supporting UNDP Iraq’s Community-based Reconciliation and Reintegration Project which supports the community readiness, return, and reintegration of families perceived to be affiliated with ISIL, who are often the most marginalized and vulnerable.

The project’s phased approach includes area-based conflict sensitive assessments, facilitation of dialogue, mediation and reconciliation processes relating to the development of local peace covenants, and a full-scale socio-economic reintegration support package in communities of return, including shelter rehabilitation and psychosocial and livelihood programming. The project contributes to the durable solutions strategy and works in partnership with national and local government partners, to facilitate the return of Internally Displaced Persons and ease the negative impacts of COVID-19 on them and on the receiving communities. More than 3, 200 perceived ISIL-affiliated families have been supported to facilitate their return and reintegration through local peace agreements under this project to date, and 4,000 beneficiaries will be reached by the socio-economic reintegration support with this new contribution.

UNDP Iraq Resident Representative Zena Ali-Ahmad states, “We are extremely grateful to one of our longstanding partners, the Government of Japan, for this important contribution. Their support is vital in ensuring we leave no one behind. We are focused on creating durable solution by providing support not only to IDPs and returnees, but also to host communities. By including all members of society in Iraq’s social fabric, we promote unity and prevent vulnerable individuals from turning to violence and extremism.”

According to the Japanese Ambassador to Iraq, His Excellency Mr. SUZUKI Kotaro, “Japan had provided over USD 500 million as humanitarian assistance to the people affected by the crisis since 2014. Additionally, Japan decided this year to provide a new assistance package for Iraq, amounting to USD 50 million, including this project by UNDP.” “UNDP has been Japan’s excellent partner all over the world, in both humanitarian and development cooperation, and especially so here in Iraq.” “The Government of Japan wishes this project help people cope with common and multiple challenges they face, and show the way toward reconciliation and welfare in peace.”

The Community-based Reconciliation and Reintegration Project is anchored on the UN Iraq Joint Approach for Community-based Reconciliation and Reintegration of persons perceived to be affiliated with ISIL in Iraq. It is part of UNDP Iraq’s five-year Social Cohesion Programme launched in January 2020 to promote stronger, peaceful, and more cohesive communities in all areas of Iraq.

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United Nations Development Programme

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