Press Release

UNAMI Welcomes the Government of Iraq’s Efforts to Combat Gender-based Violence

29 September 2019

Baghdad, 29 September 2019 - On the occasion of the Islamic Day for Opposing Violence against Women, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) welcomed the efforts of the Iraqi government to combat gender-based violence, including domestic violence, and reaffirmed continued UN support towards achieving this.

At an event in Baghdad under the auspices of His Eminence Ammar Al-Hakim, Deputy Special Representative for Iraq of the United Nations Secretary-General Alice Walpole noted Iraq’s ongoing constructive engagement with the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which includes a review of Iraq’s commitments to combatting discrimination in the form of violence.

She particularly welcomed the current efforts of both the Office of the President of the Republic of Iraq and the Prime Minister to support the development of an Anti-Domestic Violence Law that, in line with the Iraqi Constitution, would protect the rights of survivors, as well as those at risk, of domestic violence; would provide them with effective legal remedies; and would contribute towards ending impunity for those who carry out such abuse.

The United Nations in Iraq will continue to support the government in its efforts to protect and promote the rights of women to be free of violence in all its forms, and to create the conditions in which women and girls are fully empowered to enjoy their rights and freedoms, Ms. Walpole underlined.

Samir Ghattas

Samir Ghattas

Spokesperson and Director of Strategic Communications and Public Information Office

UNAMI Public Information Office


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UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

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