FAO Organized Multi-Stakeholders Consultation Workshop on Sustainable Land Management for Improved Livelihoods in Degraded Areas of Iraq
21 September 2019
Erbil, 18-20 September 2019: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Iraq, in collaboration with the Ministries of Health and Environment, Agriculture and Water Resources held a three-day consultation workshop on FAO GEF funded project for the sustainable land management for improved livelihoods in degraded areas of Iraq.
In his welcoming address, Dr. Salah El Hajj Hassan, FAO Representative in Iraq, greeted all participants from Iraqi ministries." The aim of this workshop is to look into and review the FAO- GEF funded project, which is designed to reverse land degradation processes, conserve and sustainably manage land and water resources in degraded areas in Southern Iraq for greater access to services from resilient ecosystems and improved livelihoods. FAO, along with local partners are currently working together to address the challenges of land degradation ".Dr. EL Hajj Hassan said.
Dr. Jassim A. Al-Falahi, Technical Deputy of the Ministry of Environment, emphasized that the capacity building and introduction of modern techniques; this project is establishing will serve as an important start to Iraq for the application of sustainable land management and combating desertification. He added that this project will assist Iraq in overcoming current environmental challenges, especially in terms of water scarcity, salination, and increase in temperature". Dr. Al-Falahi highlighted the role of national stakeholders by stating that “the Government of Iraq has full confidence in the local capacities of all relevant ministries and the experience of FAO in the country to provide all that is needed to successfully implement this project according to the GEF requirements, which will represent an important message to international donors on Iraq’s capabilities to execute strategically vital projects according to international standards”.
The workshop was attended by 25 participants from all concerned Iraqi ministries. Stakeholders engaged in fruitful group discussions that resulted in key recommendations and prioritization of strategic needs to achieve sustainable land management for the improvement of livelihoods in degraded areas of Iraq. The endorsements and priorities set by the participants will, therefore, guide future improvement of the implementation process of the project activities.