Press Release

Government of Iraq contributes $33m for stabilization activities in historic agreement

28 August 2019

Baghdad, 28 August 2019 – The Government of Iraq has today signed an historic agreement with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), committing USD 33 million for stabilization activities across the country.

Administered through UNDP’s Funding Facility for Stabilization (FFS), the contribution will be used to rehabilitate essential infrastructure and services like water, electricity, healthcare, housing and education in key areas of Ninewa, Anbar, Salah Al-Din, Diyala, and Kirkuk.

It places the Government of Iraq as one of UNDP’s top 10 donors across its stabilization portfolio, and signifies the government’s trust and confidence in its partnership with UNDP.

“We’re extremely grateful for this contribution, which represents the Government of Iraq’s unwavering commitment to stabilizing Iraq and encouraging the safe and dignified return of communities who fled the atrocities of ISIL,” says UNDP’s Resident Representative in Iraq, Ms. Zena Ali Ahmad.

“The Government of Iraq has been a strong partner and leader within UNDP’s stabilization efforts. Without their support, we wouldn’t have been able to complete more than 2,000 stabilization projects benefitting more than 8 million Iraqis. We look forward to bolstering our partnership with this new agreement,” adds Ms. Ali Ahmad.

The Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, His Excellency Mr. Hamid Al-Ghizi said: “Through this agreement, the Iraqi government seeks to implement projects in various affected geographic areas, while focusing on those areas that have experienced the most damage.

“The agreement will mostly focus on infrastructure and water, electricity, health and other projects, as our provinces still need more infrastructure and support for basic services. The agreement also reaffirms Iraq's commitment to the strategic partnership with the United Nations Development Programme to restoring stability in the liberated areas, enabling displaced communities to return, and building and rehabilitating the infrastructure in the provinces that have been affected by the tragic circumstances that have passed through the country,” added His Excellency Mr. Al-Ghizi.

Fay Daoud

Fay Daoud

Team Lead, Communications and Advocacy

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