Press Release

UN Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert wishes Iraqis a peaceful, joyful Ramadan

06 May 2019

Baghdad, 6 May 2019 – The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Ms. Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, extends her greetings to all the Iraqi people, particularly Muslims, on the onset of the holy month of Ramadan.

“Ramadan is a month of peace and reflection, where families and friends get together. It is when Muslims give and forgive, turn their thoughts to the less fortunate and those who are suffering.

On this occasion, we particularly feel for those Iraqis who are celebrating without their loved ones who they lost to the conflict or who are awaiting the return of the missing. We feel for those who remain displaced, living in camps or unable to return home.

I sincerely hope that the spirit of the holy month will bring an additional sense of positivity to this country and its good people. I wholeheartedly wish you a peaceful and joyful month. Ramadan Kareem.”

Samir Ghattas

Samir Ghattas

Spokesperson and Director of Strategic Communications and Public Information Office

UNAMI Public Information Office


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UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

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