Press Release

With High Official and Popular Presence, FAO Organizes Various Activities in Baashiqa, FAOR Receives The Medal of Excellence

14 December 2021

FAO has ascended further through the intervention of the project “Support to agricultural livelihoods of rural and peri-urban returnees and communities in Nineveh Governorate, Iraq”, funded by the European Union, hosting various activities with high official and popular participation in the Assyrian Cultural Center in Bashiqa district, on Thursday, 9-12-2021. 

The events were attended by the Representative and Technical Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Mithaq Abdul-Hussein Obaid, FAO Representative in Iraq, Dr. Salah El-Hajj Hassan, the FAO Senior International Livestock Expert, Dr. Chedly Kayouli, and the Representative of Nineveh Governor and Director of Bashiqa district, Mr. Thanoun Younis, Deputy Director of Nineveh Directorate of Agriculture, Abdullah Saeed Hammo on behalf of the Director of Nineveh Agriculture, the President of the Local Union of Agricultural and Cooperative Societies - Nineveh Branch, Sheikh Abdul Hamid Fathi Al-Rashidi, and a number of extension cadres from the governorates of Najaf and Karbala, along with cadres of the Nineveh Agriculture Directorate, as well as a large number of FAO partners.

The Opening Ceremony set off with welcoming speech followed with Iraqi national anthem. Then Dr. Mithaq Abdul-Hussein conveyed to the attendees the greetings of the Minister of Agriculture, Muhammad Karim Al-Khafaji, saying “We, as the Ministry of Agriculture, salute everyone who contributed to this project, which began in Nineveh and will then move to the South. Nineveh was the nucleus of the project, which impressed everyone who witnessed its interventions on the ground”.

He showed appreciation to the efforts made by the successfull families through their participation in the training courses on new techniques. He also said that the adversities and obstacles the families of Nineveh and throughout the governorates faced, motivated the families to overcome them by developing quality products and upgrading the local products, which the Ministry of Agriculture has shown its willingness to support decisions that are in the interest of the Iraqi producer and the consumer at the same time. 

“Finally, I say that today we are here to celebrate this success achieved by FAO with financial support from the European Union, and fully supported by Ministry of Agriculture staff”, he concluded his speech. 

FAO Representative Dr. Salah, greeted the participants delivering his welcoming speech, commenting on the FAO project “There is no doubt that the interventions carried out within the Project, has resonated widely with the public, from local officials, farmers and livestock breeders in Nineveh and throughout Iraq. The remarkable achievements that covered a large segment of the farmers of Nineveh Governorate, especially the displaced returnee farmers to their areas, whom the project helped in settling them back into their lands, which changed their thinking to migrate out of the country and Nineveh Governorate in particular. The project contributed to improving income and supporting more than 4,000 producers. 

The Representative of the Nineveh Governor, Mr. Thanoun Younis, the Director of Baashiqa district, praised the FAO experience, especially in the Nineveh Plains. He said to be fully aware of the achievements through his strong presence in Bashiqa, Bartella and Al-Hamdaniya districts and his direct contact with farmers and livestock breeders.

On behalf of the Director of Nineveh Agriculture, Mr. Abdullah Saeed Hamo, the Deputy Director of Nineveh Agriculture, pointed out the success of the FAO project that has had a clear impact on improving the agricultural reality, both plant and animal sectors.

FAO Senior International Livestock Expert, D. Chedly Kayouli said, “Today we celebrate together with extension cadres of the Nineveh Agriculture Directorate the distribution of sprinklers to the beneficiaries of the FAO-EU funded project. This especially appreciated with the drought hitting the region hard. We supported livestock breeders with sprinklers to increase the local production of fodder, as well as adopting economical system with irrigation water.

During his speech, The President of the Local Union of Agricultural and Cooperative Societies - Nineveh Branch, Sheikh Abdul Hamid Fathi Al-Rashidi stated, “We are pleased with the FAO support to the farmers, and for this reason, on behalf of the farmers, I present the Medal of Excellence to each of the official attendees from the Ministry of Agriculture and FAO Representatives, Dr. Salah Hajj Hassan and FAO Expert D. Chedly Kayouli”. 

Afterwards, the attendees displayed their local products in the dairy exhibition held by them at the center. 


UN entities involved in this initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Goals we are supporting through this initiative