Press Release

UN-Habitat and UNESCO Launch Plan to Reconstruct Mosul

08 August 2018

On 8 August 2018, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) jointly hosted the first workshop to develop an Initial Planning Framework for Reconstruction of Mosul. The all-day event was held at Mosul University with leaders and experts from the Government of Iraq, academia, international organizations, the private sector, and civil society.

Since the liberation of Mosul, rebuilding work has started around the city, including cultural heritage buildings and public spaces, especially in the Old City; but the care required to remove large amounts of rubble due to explosives contamination has slowed the pace tremendously.

The masterplan of Mosul has not been updated since 1974. UN-Habitat’s study shows that the lack of an updated master plan resulted in the growth of informal settlements without adequate infrastructure or social services, and lack of access to land and housing created grievances among the city’s residents, contributing to the rise of violent extremism. Simply returning Mosul to its status before ISIL is not good enough – now is a unique opportunity to ‘build back better’ and develop a people-centered urban vision for the future.

The Initial Planning Framework for Reconstruction of Mosul is an inclusive participatory vision and strategy backed up with data that will facilitate the city’s transition from an emergency response and stabilization phase to reconstruction by providing agreed guidelines for reconstruction activities.

H.E. Mr. Nawfal Hamadi Al-Sultan, Governor of Ninewa, opened the workshop by emphasizing the need for coordination among multiple actors working on reconstruction of Mosul. Ms. Marta Ruedas, Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General/Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator, urged everyone rebuilding Mosul to work together towards a shared vision and a coordinated approach, which should be guided by the Initial Planning Framework for Reconstruction of Mosul.

This workshop will be followed by field studies and information analysis by the expert team of UN-Habitat, UNESCO and government partners. The findings and the proposed practical approach for reconstruction will be presented and validated at a second workshop to be held in November 2018.

Alan Miran

Communication Associate

Dhea Subhee

PI Officer

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Human Settlements Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative