Press Release

UN-Habitat and the Ministry of Planning launch Iraq Forum for Sustainable Development

25 January 2022

Baghdad, 25 January 2022 – The Ministry of Planning launched the Iraq Forum for Sustainable Development in close partnership with the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat).

The “Iraq Forum for Sustainable Development” project aims to support the effective implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by the Government of Iraq under the leadership of the Ministry of Planning. The implementation of the SDGs provides an opportunity to empower a wide range of national actors, including civil society organizations, universities and trade unions, and to promote dialogue and strengthen partnerships with various actors.

Referring to Iraq’s commitment to the 2030 National Sustainable Development Plan, the Ministry of Planning seeks to manage the Forum through its leadership of the National Committee for Sustainable Development.

On the occasion, Dr. Maher Hammad Johan, Deputy Minister of Planning for Technical Affairs, said:In building this Forum, with its virtual and real wings, this step may have come late, in light of the grave circumstances and challenges that the country has faced over the past years, but we are finally here.”

He stressed that this platform will be important in raising awareness on the SDGs, and as a result contribute to building a positive society, in line with the real directions to achieve those goals, which aim at achieving a better life for the current generation, and for subsequent generations.

Dr. Maher also values the efforts made to establish this important platform, especially those of the joint team from the Ministry and UN-Habitat, calling on everyone to contribute to the effectiveness of the Iraq Forum for Sustainable Development.

Ms. Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General, UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, said in her speech: “Iraq, despite the difficult circumstances it has gone through during the previous years, launched this important initiative represented by Iraq Forum for sustainable development. This was implemented in coordination with the Ministry of Planning, and it is the first step to work on the SDGs.”

She emphasized that this platform does not belong to the Ministry of Planning only, but to all ministries, local governments and society working together to achieve the goals of sustainable development in Iraq.

The Ministry plays a critical role in ensuring the success of this platform by providing data, forming specialized technical teams and media communication in coordination with the supporting authorities and working closely with UN-Habitat which worked on establishing the platform as well as providing logistic support, delivering technical training workshops and supplying equipment.

Mr Wael Ashhab, Head of UN-Habitat Iraq, spoke about how the Forum will be instrumental in supporting the Ministry of Planning to assess results, recalibrate polices and investments, and preparation of Iraq’s National Voluntary Report on the progress towards the SDGs.

He also expressed his deepest appreciation for all the support the Iraq government has provided to UN-Habitat, and also all the partners who have worked on making this Forum a reality.

This project, funded by Iraq Trust Fund (ITF), is one of the fruits of the ministry’s tireless work in partnership and cooperation with UN-Habitat.

The Iraq Forum for Sustainable Development, launched on 24 January 2022, can be reached here.

Aryan Star Muheddin Al-Jammoor

Aryan Star Muheddin Al-Jammoor

Communication Specialist

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative