Press Release

UN Special Representative Kubiš Urges Voters to Turn Out in Large Numbers and Build a New Future for Iraq

10 May 2018

Baghdad, Iraq, 10 May 2018 – On the eve of the elections, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq, Ján Kubiš, is urging voters to turn out on 12 May in large numbers and vote.

“Since the last elections four years ago, Iraq faced the worst assault by the terrorist Dae’sh, which has committed untold atrocities. Today, with Dae’sh’s structures defeated, and the country liberated, it is your opportunity to consolidate this historic victory that was won with the blood of the martyrs and the unity and perseverance of the people, and embark on a new beginning,” the Special Representative said.

“Throughout my recent trips to various governorates across Iraq, I sensed the desire for positive change and a determination to make the country move forward.”

“Failures and disappointment from the crises, mismanagement and corrupt practices of the past should not stand in your way to vote for your better future, for better future of your country,” said the SRSG. “The sacrifices that were made by all Iraqis must now be translated through the ballots in voting in a good government that will represent the people and through good governance will respond to their aspirations to live in peace, stability, freedom and dignity.”

Mr. Kubiš welcomes the call of His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani on the Iraqis to keep the best interests of the people and the country as they cast their vote reminding the people that abandoning their right to vote will give others an undisputed opportunity to put their candidate in the position who may be very far from the aspirations of the people and the country.

The SRSG calls on all Iraqis, including in the Kurdistan Region, to come together to strengthen fully sovereign, united, democratic and federal Iraq. The Iraqis have a chance and a collective responsibility to build a nation where all citizens enjoy equal rights and responsibilities, justice and accountability, protection of their human rights under the law, to build a state that will ensure all Internally Displaced Persons return home voluntarily, in safety and dignity, rebuild the towns and villages, reinvigorate the economy through private sector development, fight corruption, waste and sectarian quota-based system of patronage, give women their rightful, equal place in the political, social and economic life, and create jobs for ever younger population of the country.

Mr. Kubiš praises the security forces for their commitment and tireless vigilance, saying he has full confidence in the ability of the authorities to ensure the security and safety of voters and the electoral process. He commends the efforts of the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) in putting in place a robust election process regardless of tight deadlines and many organizational and technical challenges.

Mr. Kubiš concludes by wishing Iraqis a good and peaceful Election Day.

“Saturday 12 May is your day. Let’s celebrate it by your strong participation in the election as a successful next step in building your democracy, your prosperous future. Major challenges are ahead for Iraq, which require the country to pull together if it is to emerge stronger and fully regain its rightful place in the community of nations."

Samir Ghattas

Samir Ghattas

Spokesperson and Director of Strategic Communications and Public Information Office

UNAMI Public Information Office


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