This is a visit of solidarity, solidarity with the Iraqi people, solidarity with Iraqi Government and institutions; solidarity in what I believe is an historic moment for Iraq. Iraq is in the final stages of its fight against terrorism.
We are strongly hopeful that the liberation of Mosul will soon be completed against Daesh and, at the same time, I was extremely encouraged by the commitment expressed by the Prime Minister, both in relation to the protection of civilians, in the conduct of the operations and the full respect of international humanitarian law, but also his commitment to a national dialogue and an effective process of reconciliation, allowing after the liberation of Mosul for Iraq to progressively create the conditions for, I will say, a normal life of a State: a State in which all communities can feel they belong, a State in which all communities respect each other and reconciliation becomes something natural.
At the same time, I want to express the total support of the United Nations to the efforts of the Iraqi Government in humanitarian aid, to the populations that have been affected by terrorism and at the same time appeal to the international community to support Iraq both in relation to the relief to the victims but also in relation to stabilization and reconstruction and the build-up of the national Iraqi institutions.
We also discussed how important it is that the crimes committed by Daesh find effective accountability. Those crimes need to be well known, need to be punished and it is important that the international community becomes fully aware of everything that was done, sacrificing in a terrible way the populations of Iraq, populations of all sorts, Sunni and Shia Muslims and Christians -- all kinds of Iraqis were victims of the cruelty of Daesh and this is something that needs to be perfectly known and that needs to find the adequate mechanism of effective accountability. Even for young people all over the world to understand that terrorism is not the way to express their anger, or their anxiety even if in some moments they might be angry or anxious in relations to the events that take place. The fight against terrorism needs to be accompanied by the fight against the root causes of terrorism, and by making it very clear how horrendous are the crimes of the organizations like Daesh.
I want to express to you, Mr. Prime Minister, my total solidarity, and our total commitment to work together with your Government. You know the very important task that you have in front of you with the full liberation of your country and with the full reconciliation of Iraqis for a future of democracy and prosperity for the country.