Press Release

UNAMI Strongly Condemns Baghdad Suicide Bombing, Other Terrorist Attacks; Terrorists Will Not Be Able to Break Iraqis’ Determination to Liberate their Land

15 October 2016

Baghdad, Iraq, 15 October 2016 - The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) strongly condemns the suicide bombing today in northern Baghdad and other terrorist attacks in other areas of the country which killed or injured many civilians.

The Mission offers its condolences to the families of those killed and wishes the victims a speedy recovery.

“This cowardly terrorist attack against the innocent, targeting a tent where people were holding a religious commemoration, and other attacks aims first and foremost at weakening Iraqi unity and undermining the people’s morale as the country’s security forces gear up for the battle to liberate the remaining territory in Ninewah and Mosul from the control of the terrorist Daesh group,” said Mr. György Busztin, Deputy Special Representative for the United Nations Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Iraq for Political Affairs.

“The terrorists will not be able to break the will and determination of the Iraqis to liberate their land,” the DSRSG added.

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UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

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