Press Release

FAO hold meeting with Ministry of Water Resources

14 February 2023

Baghdad, 8 February 2023

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), represented by Dr. Salah ElHajj Hassan, FAO Country Representative, held with the Ministry of Water Resources the first meeting of the Steering Committee of the project funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs "Land and Water Monitoring by Remote Sensing, the second phase of the WaPOR project”

The meeting was chaired by Mr Zaid Hamoudi Habib, Director General of the Planning and Follow-up Department at the Ministry. During the meeting, a summary of the foundation phase of the project in Iraq and the selected study areas for activities in the West Al-Gharraf irrigation project area in Wasit and Thi Qar provinces and the Shamamuk irrigation project in the Erbil Basin area were discussed.

The meeting was attended by Ms. Livia Peiser, Land and Water expert at FAO Rome office, steering committee member from the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources in the Kurdistan Region, and the project coordinators. The work plan and the importance of coordination with project stakeholders were highlighted. During the meeting, the proposed activities for the two study areas were confirmed, and the potential of linking project data with other related projects, in addition to recommendations and concluding observations, including the consultative meeting that was held on the 9th Feb at the MoWR HQ between the national interdisciplinary team and project partners -IWMI and IHE Delft- to outline the capacity building plan associated with the proposed activities for both study areas.

Khawla Ben Aicha

Khawla Ben Aicha

Communications Specialist

UN entities involved in this initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Goals we are supporting through this initiative