Press Release

UN Envoy condemns bomb attacks in Sadr City and Baquba; calls them cowardly

11 May 2016

Baghdad, 11 May 2016 – The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Ján Kubiš, strongly condemned the car bomb attack which occurred today in a busy market in Sadr City claiming many lives and leaving scores injured.

This latest attack comes after a car bomb was detonated near a restaurant in Baquba on 9 May which also left large numbers of casualties.

“These are cowardly terrorist attacks on civilians who have done nothing but going about their normal daily lives”, Mr. Kubiš said.

“Such acts of terrorist violence are certainly against all the principles of decency and humanity, and as such must be strongly condemned”, Mr. Kubiš added.

“I call on the authorities to do their utmost to quickly bring the perpetrators to justice, and express my deepest condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and wish the injured a speedy recovery”, SRSG Kubiš further added.

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UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

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