State of World Population 2023: 8 Billion Lives, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES the case for rights and choices | UNFPA

UNFPA thanks the following people for sharing glimpses of their lives and work for this report: Amsalu, Ethiopia; Ardit Dakshi, Albania; Diana Donțu, Moldova; Josephine Ferorelli, United States of America; Irina Fusu, Moldova; Emmanuel Ganse, Benin; Gelila, Ethiopia; Hideko, Japan; Pela Judith, Madagascar; Meghan Kallman, United States of America; Saori Kamano, Japan’s National Institute of Population and Social Security Research; Gibson Kawago, Tanzania; Khaled, Yemen; Pat Kupchi, Nigeria; Joseph Mondo, Papua New Guinea; Ki Nam Park, Korea Population, Health and Welfare Association; Natsuko, Japan; Paul Ndhlovu, Zimbabwe; Jelena Perić, Serbia; Rama (name changed), Syria; Said (name changed), Oman; Norbert Safari, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Senad Santic, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Senad Santic, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Sawako Shirahase, United Nations University; Yeon Soo, Republic of Korea; Jonathan Stack, United States of America; Idil Üner, Türkiye; Volatanae, Madagascar; Ibrahim Wada, Nigeria; Shannon Wood, Johns Hopkins University; Ivana Zubac, Serbia
Chief of the UNFPA Media and Communications Branch, Selinde Dulckeit, provided invaluable insights to the draft, as did UNFPA Technical Director Dr. Julitta Onabanjo, and members of the Office of the Executive Director, including Teresa Buerkle, Sam Choritz, Saturnin Epie, Alana Ngoh, Pio Smith and Anne Wittenberg
UNFPA colleagues and others around the world supported the development of feature stories and other content or provided technical guidance: Samir Aldarabi, Adolfo Ballina, Jacob Enoh Eben, Jens-Hagen Eschenbaecher, Rose Marie Gad, Lilian Landau, Nouran Makhlouf and Julia Novichenok.
UNFPA Population and Development experts provided data in the indicators section of this report, as well as overall technical guidance They include Alessio Cangiano, Sabrina Juran, Mengjia Liang, Rintaro Mori and Fredrick Okwayo.
Author Ann Garbett led the analyses of both the YouGov survey results and the Inquiry data; further analysis of the YouGov survey results can be found at
Print and interactive design: Prographics, Inc.
The editors are grateful for the contributions of partners, including experts at the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, in particular Giulia Gonnella, Vladimíra Kantorová, Vinod Mishra, Karoline Schmid and Guangyu Zhang; experts at the International Organization for Migration, in particular Marie McAuliffe; experts at YouGov, particularly Tanya Abraham; experts at the Brown Institute, particularly Vrinda G. Bhat, Mark Hansen, Michael Krisch, Katherine R. Watson and Katharina Tittel; and Aditya Bharadwaj, an expert on reproductive health and technologies.