UNAMI JAU at the Second International PSYOPS to Counter Daesh Conference, Baghdad, 10-11 August 2016
Speech of the representative of the UNAMI Joint Analysis Unit at the Second International Psychological and Media Operations to Counter Daesh Conference

Speech of the representative of the UNAMI Joint Analysis Unit at the Second International Psychological and Media Operations to Counter Daesh Conference held in Baghdad, on 10-11 August 2016
Thank you Mr. Chairman.
Excellency Head of the NSC
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of JAU UNAMI I am grateful and honoured to be among such a distinguished Conference. Held in such a pertinent context and in such timely fashion.
Allow me to now say a few words about the role that the United Nations plays in helping the world and the region in countering the threat of DAESH and share with you a brief presentation on the activities of CTED and Executive Directorate. Later I will attempt to answer your questions.
In adopting its resolution 2253 (2015) on 17 December 2015, the Security Council expressed its determination to address the threat posed to international peace and security by DAESH and associated individuals and groups, as well as the importance of cutting off its access to funds and preventing it from planning and facilitating attacks. I will outline here just a few major steps that United Nations entities have taken in accordance with their individual mandates and in partnership with the relevant international and regional organizations, to support the efforts of Member States in countering the threat of DAESH
With Regards to Foreign Fighters - Acting in close consultation with the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate and the Monitoring Team, the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force has developed a capacity-building implementation plan for countering the flow of foreign terrorist fighters that addresses the priority recommendations of the Counter-Terrorism Committee. The plan includes 37 project proposals addressing the full “life cycle” of the foreign terrorist fighter phenomenon, including radicalization, travel and financing (and rehabilitation and reintegration, should they return). UNODC has continued to implement its five-year technical assistance program on strengthening the legal regime against foreign terrorist fighters, which aims to strengthen national legal frameworks, train criminal justice and law enforcement officials.
With Regards to Criminal Justice - the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate joined forces with the Institute for Security Studies and the International Association of Prosecutors to develop, under the auspices of the Association, a counter-terrorism prosecutors network in order to assist Member States to bring terrorists to justice and to support international cooperation in criminal matters.
With Regards to Financing of DAESH - Members of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force Working Group on Countering the Financing of Terrorism have been actively engaged in providing training in asset-freezing and dealing with kidnapping for ransom. On asset-freezing, the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force/United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre has developed a capacity-building project aimed at enhancing the implementation of the provisions contained in resolutions 1373 (2001), 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) through, inter alia, the provision of training and advice to Member States.
With Regards to Law Enforcement and Border Control - As part of United Nations efforts to increase the use by States of advance passenger information systems, two of five regional workshops aimed at raising awareness and building capacity on the issue were held in Bangkok in March 2016 for South and South-East Asian States, and in Amman in May 2016 for States of the Middle East and North Africa region. The events were organized by the Counter- Terrorism Implementation Task Force/United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre, in close cooperation with the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, and with the participation of the International Air Transport Association, the International Civil Aviation Organization, INTERPOL and the International Organization for Migration.
With Regards to Countering Recruitment and Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism - together with the Government of Switzerland, UN co-hosted the Geneva Conference on the theme “Preventing violent extremism: the way forward” on 7 and 8 April 2016. The Conference was attended by 745 participants from 125 Member States, 23 international and regional organizations, 26 United Nations entities, and 67 civil society organizations and private companies. The discussions provided a valuable opportunity for Member States, international and regional organizations and civil society to share perspectives, experience and best practices on key issues related to the prevention of violent extremism. The Conference also provided a valuable forum for further consideration of UN Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism which the General Assembly will consider in the context of the fifth review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy was held on 30 June and 1 July.
With Regards to Addressing Conditions Conducive to Spreading of Terrorism - The Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force Working Group on Addressing Conditions Conducive to the Spread of Terrorism is working to strengthen capacities and raise awareness in the areas of youth, communications and education. For example, UNODC and Hedayah think tank hosted a regional conference in Abu Dhabi this year to explore the process of developing and implementing an effective preventative criminal justice strategy against radicalization and violent extremism related to the threat posed by foreign terrorist fighters, including the development of national strategies for countering and preventing violent extremism.
Protecting Human Rights while countering terrorism - Members of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force Working Group on Protecting and Promoting Human Rights and the Rule of Law while Countering Terrorism have continued to implement the project focusing on the training and capacity-building of law enforcement officials with regard to human rights, the rule of law and the prevention of terrorism, in coordination with partner Member States in the Middle East and North and West Africa.
Finally, the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate and UNAMI are working closely together to set up a coordination mechanism to address the priority technical assistance needs identified with Iraq during the Counter-Terrorism Committee’s September 2015 assessment visit to the country this autumn. The priority technical assistance recommendations are intended to enhance the capacities of Iraq in areas related to legislation, finance, law enforcement and border control. Several assistance providers, including Member States and United Nations entities and partner international and regional organizations, are currently being approached by the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate with a view to facilitating the delivery of technical assistance to Iraq.
Thank you.