Press Release

UN Deplores attacks on Pilgrims

01 December 2015

Baghdad, 1 December 2015 - The United Nations in Iraq deplores the terrorist attacks that targeted religious pilgrims in Shaab area of Baghdad on Monday, 30 November, in which a number of civilians were killed and injured. These attacks are the latest in a number of such attacks that have taken place in Baghdad and other areas of Iraq in recent weeks, and in which civilians were directly targeted.

“I express my deepest sympathies to the victims of these attacks and to their families”, the Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Iraq and Director of the UNAMI Human Rights Office, Mr. Francesco Motta, said.

“Attacks against civilians are never justifiable and constitute a serious crime under Iraqi and international law”, he added.

Mr. Motta further called on the Government of Iraq “to ensure appropriate care for those injured by these atrocious attacks, and to exert all its efforts to ensure that those responsible are caught and held accountable according to law”.

UN entities involved in this initiative

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

Goals we are supporting through this initiative