Pathways to Legal Identity: Exploring the legal framework and barriers to obtaining lineage and nationality in post-conflict Iraq

Access to identity and civil documentation is a prerequisite to accessing basic rights and services, including social protection, education, health care and nationality, and this is no less true for Iraq.
The importance of identity and civil documentation in Iraq has been highlighted in the context of post-conflict displacement and societal disruption – which have limited access to such documentation and undermined efforts to work towards durable solutions for internally displaced persons and returnees. Children of female-headed households are particularly vulnerable to being unable to access identity and civil documentation as well as nationality, further compounding vulnerability.
In this context, this report sets out the findings of research undertaken to better understand:
• The legal and practical barriers to children obtaining identity and civil documentation and to obtaining Iraqi nationality;
• The obstacles to women transmitting Iraqi citizenship to their children.
This study is based on documentary analysis of legislation and key informant interviews (KIIs). The author also conducted a preliminary desk review