Press Release

United Nations Country Team in Iraq Releases 2023 Annual Results Report

26 September 2024

Baghdad, Iraq – The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) is pleased to announce the publication of its 2023 Annual Results Report. This report showcases the collective activities of 23 UN entities achieved in partnership with the Government of Iraq, local communities, and international partners under the Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, 2020-2024.

In 2023, the UNCT in Iraq focused on five strategic priorities, making substantial progress in each area:

In the area of social protection, significant strides were made in enhancing access to education and essential services for vulnerable children and individuals. Efforts expanded social safety nets and provided cash assistance to vulnerable populations, particularly internally displaced persons (IDPs).

To support economic growth, the Employment-Intensive Investment Programme created numerous jobs, benefiting IDPs and refugees. The launch of the Iraq National Education Strategy addressed challenges in the education sector, paving the way for improved learning outcomes.

Contributing to sustainable environmental actions, the UNCT supported the revision of Iraq’s Renewable Energy Law and the establishment of the Energy Transition Framework, underscoring Iraq’s commitment to climate action. UN efforts also provided access to safe drinking water to local population in Basra.

Moreover, the implementation of the Educational Management Information System enhanced educational planning and resource allocation. Collaborative efforts with the Government of Iraq cleared contaminated land of landmines, ensuring safe returns of displaced families.

 Ghulam Isaczai, the UN Resident Coordinator in Iraq expressed his deep appreciation to the Government of Iraq and all partners for their unwavering support and collaboration to realize the above results. “The achievements documented in this report underscore our commitment to supporting national priorities and plans and Iraq's journey towards a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future,” said Mr. Isaczai.

Looking ahead to 2024 and beyond, the UNCT in Iraq remains dedicated to help the Government of Iraq fast-track achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The focus will continue to be on fostering economic growth, enhancing social inclusion, and promoting environmental sustainability.


For more information and to read the full 2023 Annual Results Report, click here.


Zainab Salih

Communications Officer

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

Goals we are supporting through this initiative