Press Release

WHO refutes claims of unveiling information on COVID-19 vaccination plan in Iraq

31 January 2021

Baghdad, Iraq on 31 January 2021-- The World Health Organization (WHO) in Iraq on Sunday denied claims from a local media source that it disclosed information on the COVID-19 vaccination plan in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

In a post for Al Shafaq News, the media misquoted a WHO technical employee and posted a misleading statement describing details on the type and plan for the COVID-19 vaccination in Iraq, the fact that contradicts the role of the organization in all member state countries.

The Organization would like to emphasize that WHO is a technical agency concerned with providing Iraq’s Ministry of Health on both Central and Regional levels with the technical advice required and do respect the sovereign decision of the Central as well as Kurdistan Regional Ministries of Health on all health issues including the COVID-19 vaccine and national inoculation plans.

Ajyal Sultany

Ajyal Sultany

Communications Officer

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World Health Organization

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