Press Release

New €10m contribution from Germany expands UNDP Iraq’s Coronavirus response into 15 governorates

22 November 2020

Baghdad, 22 November 2020 – German Government’s KfW Development Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Government of Iraq, have today signed a EUR 10 million agreement (US$11.75 million) to support Iraq’s response to COVID-19.

The contribution was made by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with financing provided through KfW. Over the past five years the German Government has been a continuous supporter of UNDP activities in Iraq and committed so far more than EUR 300 million through KfW Development Bank for this purpose.

The German Government also supports Iraq in its efforts to address the immediate and medium-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and has set up an emergency window under which funds are provided, including this contribution to UNDP. This contribution allows UNDP to extend its COVID-19 response measures into 15 governorates. It makes Germany the tenth partner to contribute to UNDP’s COVID-19 response, taking the total raised to approximately $38.9 million.

Measures under UNDP Iraq’s response include increasing the testing capacity of laboratories, providing personal protective equipment to healthcare workers, building isolation units for infected patients and undertaking assessments to drive post-COVID-19 recovery strategies.

“The spread of COVID-19 is still taking its toll on Iraqi communities across the country. Thanks to Germany’s generous contribution, we can continue boosting Iraq’s health infrastructure by constructing an extra three isolation wards in addition to the 13 that have either been completed or are underway,” says Resident Representatives of UNDP Iraq, Zena Ali Ahmad.

H. E. the German Ambassador, Dr. Ole Diehl, especially emphasizes the multi-faceted approach of UNDP’s COVID-19 response measure. “COVID-19 is a catastrophe, not only insofar as it destroys human health and lives. It also causes people to lose their jobs, enterprises to lose their revenue and families to literally lose the food on their table. These possible outcomes of COVID-19 require a strong and differentiated response mirrored in this program. Germany continues to support Iraq in its fight against COVID-19. This is why we have launched an extensive global COVID-19

emergency program, under which also a sizeable COVID-19 response window is allocated for Iraq. This pandemic can only be contained with the collective effort of the international community and Germany will play its part.”

“Germany is one of UNDP Iraq’s largest contributors, and we are extremely grateful for their strong and continued support, particularly during the pandemic,” adds Ms Ali Ahmad.

KfW Development Bank and UNDP enjoy a strong cooperation over the years. “On behalf of the German Government, we are very pleased to further extend our cooperation with UNDP and assist Iraq in its efforts to address the current challenges arising through COVID-19,” says Director of KfW Office Iraq, Dr. Anna Janke.

The contribution will be channelled through UNDP Iraq’s Funding Facility for Stabilization (FFS).

Germany joins Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, and USAID as key partners supporting UNDP Iraq’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which supports medical facilities in Anbar, Babil, Basra, Dhi Qar, Diwaniya, Diyala, Duhok, Erbil, Karbala, Kirkuk, Maysan, Muthana, Najaf, Ninewa and Salah Al Din.

Fay Daoud

Fay Daoud

Team Lead, Communications and Advocacy

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