Press Release

UNHCR welcomes funding from the Republic of Korea to assist vulnerable displaced persons in Iraq

13 January 2020

This generous donation from the Republic of Korea contributes to ensure the provision of much needed life-saving support for displaced populations in Iraq

Baghdad, Iraq,UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, welcomes the generous contribution of USD 2 million in flexible funds from the Republic of Korea to support internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, and refugees in Iraq.

While Iraq recovers from conflict, thousands of vulnerable displaced families remain in dire need of humanitarian assistance. With over 1.4 million displaced Iraqis, 4.5 million returnees, and 286,000 refugees, the needs remain massive and ongoing assistance is essential to continue ensuring a stable and peaceful recovery.

This generous donation from the Republic of Korea contributes to ensure the provision of much-needed life-saving support for displaced populations in Iraq, including the provision of shelter, protection services, cash assistance, child protection, and prevention of sexual and gender-based violence, among others.

H.E. Mr. Jang Kyung-Wook, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Iraq, emphasized “the Korean Government is committed to supporting humanitarian activities in Iraq and will continue to stand by the Iraqi people who are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. I truly believe that Korea’s continuing support for the improvement of humanitarian situation through the Iraqi Government and international organizations such as the UNHCR will help the people of Iraq in their pursuit of recovery and stability and also contribute to the achievement of leaving no one behind.”

The longstanding and ongoing cooperation between the Republic of Korea and UNHCR has enabled the operation to continue providing protection and humanitarian assistance to thousands of vulnerable displaced families in Iraq. This assistance shows the strong and faithful commitment of the Republic of Korea to address the needs of displaced populations in Iraq as the country works towards stabilisation and recovery.

“While the situation in Iraq has notably improved during the past years and the country is steadily transitioning and advancing into a new post-conflict phase, we need to continue supporting its people in their recovery and national reconciliation efforts. Particularly the more than 1.4 million Iraqis and over 286,000 refugees still affected by displacement and wishing to rebuild their lives. This generous and flexible contribution enables us to be responsive and compassionate with those that continue relying heavily on humanitarian assistance. With ongoing support, we will stand with all those affected by displacement in Iraq until complete recovery is achieved.” said Philippa Candler, UNHCR Representative in Iraq.

Firas Al-Khateeb

Firas Al-Khateeb

Public Information Officer

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United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

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