Press Release

UNHCR appreciates the generous contribution from the United States of America towards the COVID-19 response in Iraq

08 May 2020

Baghdad, Iraq | 8 May 2020 UNHCR welcomes the new contribution of USD 6.5 Million from the United States of America towards the response to COVID-19 for internally displaced persons and returnees in Iraq.

The health, well-being, and dignity of displaced populations and their host communities are at the centre of UNHCR’s COVID-19 prevention and response efforts in Iraq. UNHCR, along with other UN agencies, is working closely with the Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region Government to support the improvement health facilities and staff capacity so that all persons affected by the virus can receive adequate treatment in a timely manner.

The new funding will contribute towards UNHCR’s efforts to ensuring protection interventions for persons of concern to prevent their exposure to life threatening situations and ensure their basic needs are met, including access to basic hygiene items through the distribution of cash assistance; health promotion and awareness raising; provision of medical equipment; training of health workers; strengthening health care services in camps; improving referral systems; ensuring access to Mental Health and Psycho-social Support services; support early detection of positive cases; and enhancing disinfection activities in camps.

H. E Ambassador Mr. Matthew H.Tueller said that “The United States continues to provide humanitarian assistance, giving shelter to IDPs, demining key parts of liberated communities, and returning services to the people. This additional contribution to UNHCR will support these vulnerable populations to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.”

UNHCR’s Acting Representative Philippa Candler stated that “humanitarian action to save lives and alleviate the suffering of vulnerable populations remains crucial. The socioeconomic effects of the covid-19 pandemic on displaced people are huge, mainly because of the COVID-19 restrictions. UNHCR appreciates the support from major donor countries such as the United States of America”.

In response to the COVID-19 global humanitarian appeal, The United States of America has generously donated USD 64 million to urgently assist displaced communities around the world.

United States of America remains the biggest donor to UNHCR globally.

Firas Al-Khateeb

Firas Al-Khateeb

Public Information Officer

Rasheed Rasheed

Senior Communication/PI Associate

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United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

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