Press Release

Thousands of vulnerable IDP and returnee families across Iraq will receive increased support thanks to additional funding from Germany

11 August 2020

Baghdad, Iraq - 11/8/2020: UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, welcomes the generous contribution of 8 million euros from the Federal Republic of Germany to protect and support internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees in Iraq. This brings the total amount contributed by Germany since 2014 to over 185 million euros.

Under the current situation, and following years of conflict, thousands of vulnerable displaced families across Iraq remain in dire need of humanitarian assistance. With close to 1.4 million IDPs, 4.7 million returnees, and 286,000 refugees and asylum seekers, the needs remain massive and ongoing assistance is essential to continue ensuring a stable and peaceful recovery. More so during the current COVID-19 health crisis, which has significantly exacerbated the protection risks faced by vulnerable displaced families and has further hindered their access to basic goods and essential services.

This timely and generous donation from Germany will contribute to ensuring the provision of much needed life-saving support for IDPs and returnees throughout Iraq, including protection services, cash assistance, child protection, and prevention of sexual and gender-based violence, among others. IDP and returnee families will benefit from increased support to alleviate their suffering, and to improve their already challenging situation. The assistance will further contribute to creating adequate conditions for vulnerable IDPs and returnees to rebuild their lives in dignity and a sustainable manner.

The Chargé d'Affaires of the German Embassy in Baghdad, Mr Peter Felten, emphasized that “Germany continues its support of the important humanitarian work of UNHCR in Iraq. With Covid-19, life has become even harder for vulnerable internally displaced persons. We are convinced that UNHCR with the support of the Federal Republic of Germany makes a significant and much needed contribution in improving the situation of internally displaced persons.

The longstanding and ongoing cooperation with Germany will enable UNHCR to continue providing protection and humanitarian assistance to thousands of vulnerable displaced families in Iraq. This contribution shows Germany’s strong commitment to address the needs of displaced populations in Iraq as the country works towards stabilisation and recovery.

“While the situation in Iraq has improved during the past years and the country is advancing into a new post-conflict phase, we need to continue supporting the people of Iraq in their recovery and national reconciliation efforts. This generous and flexible contribution enables us to be responsive and compassionate towards the most vulnerable populations. With ongoing support, we will stand with all those affected by displacement in Iraq until complete recovery is achieved” said Philippa Candler, Acting UNHCR Representative in Iraq.

Firas Al-Khateeb

Firas Al-Khateeb

Public Information Officer

Rasheed Rasheed

Senior Communication/PI Associate

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United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

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