10 April 2019
BAGHDAD – The Government of Japan has contributed US$9.2 million to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to enable it to transition its programmes in Iraq from primarily humanitarian to more development-related assistance.
As WFP faces a shortage of resources in Iraq, this timely donation from Japan will help address the food insecurity of internally displaced families and enhance the resilience of returnees and local communities.
“Japan has provided an overall assistance package for Iraq of US$63 million in 2019, including this particular contribution to food security,” said H.E. Mr. Naofumi Hashimoto, Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Iraq. “With this package, the total amount of Japan’s assistance to the people affected by the crisis reaches US$500 million.”
Of the funds given to WFP, US$7 million will be used to assist some 200,000 displaced people with food and cash transfers to meet their food needs. An additional US$2.2 million will provide livelihoods opportunities for 13,000 returnees and vulnerable members of local communities. Cash transfers have the added value of injecting liquidity into the local economy.
“In 2019, WFP is shifting to more sustainable solutions, coupling its emergency response for displaced communities with livelihoods programmes that encourage self-reliance rather than dependence on humanitarian assistance,” said WFP Iraq’s Representative, Sally Haydock. “We can only do this through strong partnerships with governments such as Japan and other humanitarian stakeholders.”
In line with efforts to break the cycle of food and nutrition insecurity, WFP is working to provide assistance to vulnerable people in Iraq in a more holistic manner. Asset-rehabilitation activities contribute to the country’s stabilisation, support dignified and voluntary returns, and help people rebuild livelihoods undermined by years of conflict.
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The United Nations World Food Programme - saving lives in emergencies and changing lives for millions through sustainable development. WFP works in more than 80 countries around the world, feeding people caught in conflict and disasters, and laying the foundations for a better future.
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Sharon Rapose, WFP/Baghdad, Tel. +964 780 915 0962
Alan Brown, WFP/Baghdad, Tel. +964 780 915 0950
Dina El-Kassaby, WFP/Cairo, Tel. +2010 1521 8882