Press Release

UNFPA, Anbar Governorate Sign Framework to Enhance Services to Women and Girls

07 November 2021

7 November 2021; Anbar, Iraq - UNFPA Representative to Iraq, Dr Rita Columbia, and the Governor of Anbar, Mr Ali Farhan Al-Dulaimi, signed a Joint Cooperation Framework on Sunday to increase access to services responding to gender-based violence and protecting women and girls in Anbar.

The agreement will be translated into establishing a women protection centre in Heet district, which will serve the entire governorate. UNFPA will ensure that the centre can provide survivor-centred quality services to women and girls survivors of violence.

Speaking to the press, Mr Farhan, said: "I thank UNFPA for prioritising women and girls in Anbar. The Governorate will ensure that women and girls have access to services they desperately need. We promise to expand our collaboration with the partners to support women empowerment in Anbar."

For her part, Dr Columbia thanked the Governor for his support to women and girls’ empowerment in Anbar: “This cooperation framework will help to expand services to women and girls in the Governorate and ensure service providers are equipped with survivor-centred approaches that respect human rights.”

The cooperation agreement between UNFPA and the Governorate is within the UNFPA 2020-2024 Country Programme Document and the Memorandum of Understanding between UNFPA & the Government of Iraq, through the Ministry of Planning.

Salwa Moussa

Salwa Moussa

Communications Specialist

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United Nations Population Fund

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