Press Release

UN’s Kubiš in Anbar, Calls on Iraqis to Seize Elections Opportunity to Make their Voices Heard

26 April 2018

Ramadi, Iraq, 26 April 2018 - Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq Ján Kubiš visited Anbar Governorate today, pressing ahead with his call on Iraqis to seize the opportunity of the upcoming parliamentary elections to make their voices heard and effect positive change.

In Ramadi, Mr. Kubiš discussed the electoral preparations in the Governorate with the Governor, Provincial Council Chair and the head of IHEC’s Anbar Office. He acknowledged the efforts of the Iraqi security forces and allied units in the fight to liberate Anbar from the Dae’sh terrorist group. Mr. Kubiš added that for peace and stability to be consolidated it should be accompanied by stabilisation, reconstruction, development and reconciliation overseen by good government that credible and inclusive elections will certainly produce.

“Elections are a pillar of the democratic process. This is the opportunity for Iraqis to vote and decide their own future by making the choice of their own representatives who will work for security, stability and prosperity,” he said. The Special Representative added: “I’m encouraged by the preparations for the elections, and I cannot stress enough the importance of youth and women participation as a critical force in the society that can bring positive change.”

Mr. Kubiš also visited Fallujah, where he met with the Deputy Governor of Anbar, the Mayor of Fallujah, Sheiks representing the people of Fallujah and representatives of security forces. The dignitaries there, as well as those the SRSG met in Ramadi, acknowledged the humanitarian, stabilisation and development work of the United Nations, in particular UN Development Programme (UNDP) Funding Facility for Stabilization and the activities of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) to decontaminate areas from explosive remnants of war.

The Special Representative, along with the Mayor of Fallujah and UNDP Iraq Country Director Mounir Tabet, visited the landmark Iron Bridge, whose rehabilitation is part of a project supported by UNDP and UNMAS.

“Clearance and rehabilitation of critical infrastructure such as the Iron Bridge are essential components of stabilisation. I’m glad to see the progress on the bridge as it is vital for the access of the residents and goods, and I am encouraged to hear the opening of the bridge will be in two to three months’ time.”

Mr. Kubiš visited Mosul, Ninewa and Najaf recently and plans more visits to other Governorates in the coming days. He noted that these field missions are important to understand the situation on the ground in different governorates, notably the preparations for the elections and to receive from the officials he visits advice that can be beneficial in devising appropriate UN action.

Samir Ghattas

Samir Ghattas

Spokesperson and Director of Strategic Communications and Public Information Office

UNAMI Public Information Office


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