Press Release

UN’s Kubiš on visit to Mosul: Reconstruction Hand-in-hand with Return of IDPS, and Elections Provide an Opportunity for Harmony and Coexistence in Ninewa

18 April 2018

Mosul, Iraq – 18 April 2018 – Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq Jan Kubiš, on a visit to Mosul on Tuesday 17 April 2018, stressed the important role of rehabilitation and reconstruction in Ninewa going hand-in-hand with voluntary and safe return of IDPs.

He emphasised the upcoming Council of Representatives elections as an opportunity for the people to elect representatives that will work for the people’s interests, will work to rebuild trust, peaceful coexistence and future in safety, dignity and prosperity for the people of Ninewa, for the multitude of its ethnic and religious groups, and for united Iraq.

Mr. Kubiš met in Mosul with the Governor of Ninewa, Chair and members of the Provincial Council, Head of Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) Ninewa office and Ninewa Operation Command Deputy Commander, to follow up on the developments since its liberation last July and hear from them how the UN can assist in the political, electoral, stabilisation, reconstruction, community development and humanitarian fields. The major work is underway to decontaminate the conflict zone from unexploded remnants of war, restore services, rebuild infrastructure and ensure the voluntary and safe return of the displaced to their homes. As demonstrated by the Kuwait International Conference on the Reconstruction of Iraq, held in February 2018, the world has pledged its support for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Iraq including Mosul and Ninewa.

“Mosul has paid a heavy price for this victory against Da’esh. Now all efforts are focused on how to alleviate the suffering and help the people rebuild and live their lives in safety, security, prosperity and harmony,” Mr. Kubiš said.

SRSG Kubiš acknowledged the sacrifices of the security forces and Iraqi people in the fight against Dae’sh and their ongoing efforts to eliminate the remnants of this terrorist organization and further build trust with the local population. He also welcomed the efforts to increasingly put security in the hands of local police that nevertheless still lacks the necessary numbers and needs support.

His visit included a stop in the badly damaged Old City at the site of the iconic Al-Hadba Leaning Minaret and the Al-Nouri Mosque, built in 1172 and destroyed by Dae’sh as they were being routed from the city. The structure is set to rise again, a significant symbolic step in the city’s post-conflict recovery, thanks to a UNESCO project in support of the Iraqi authorities with international financial assistance. The project intends to reconstruct and preserve the memory and the key features of the site, its spiritual value, so important for Iraq and Islam for a common heritage of the world. “Together with people of Mosul we will bring back to life these historic monuments that are so important for Iraq, Islam, and the whole humanity,” said the SRSG.

While acknowledging the challenges to preparations for the upcoming elections specific to Ninewa, the Special Representative urged officials to make all the necessary preparations including timely distribution of voters cards to enable massive participation of voters including IDPs in and outside Ninewa and to ensure a secure environment conducive to participation of voters freely, without any intimidation. Additional, efforts and support are needed also here.

Mr. Kubiš also announced that the United Nations in Iraq plans to establish a UN office in the city within the year.

Samir Ghattas

Samir Ghattas

Spokesperson and Director of Strategic Communications and Public Information Office

UNAMI Public Information Office


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