Press Release

Improvised Explosive Device struck demining team; UN calls for an investigation

06 July 2022

Baghdad, 6 July 2022 – An IED struck a vehicle carrying a demining team in northern Iraq on Tuesday 5 July 2022, slightly injuring seven personnel.

The IED exploded under a minibus that was transporting a demining team of Iraqi men and women from Global Clearance Solutions (GCS), to a work site in Tel Keif, northeast of Mosul, Ninewa Governorate. The injured were transported to hospital and reported to be in stable condition. The Iraqi authorities have been notified.

Wishing the injured a speedy recovery, the United Nations in Iraq urged the authorities to thoroughly investigate the incident and ensure adequate security for the deminers.

GCS has been a partner of the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) for the last three years for its clearance operations in Ninewa. These operations are essential to enable safe and dignified returns and the safety of communities. The United Nations stresses that clearance work will continue in Ninewa with added risk mitigation measures in place.

UNAMI Public Information Office


UN entities involved in this initiative

UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

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