Managing Exits from Conflict in Iraq: A Case Study of Basra and Tal Afar

This report was made possible thanks to IOM Iraq programs funded by the European Union and UK
MEAC benefits from additional funding and partnership for related research in Iraq from UNDP Iraq and Switzerland’s Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). The broader MEAC project and accompanying case studies are supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO); the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs; and the UN Development Programme (UNDP); and is being run in partnership with the Secretariat of the Regional Strategy for Stabilisation, Recovery and Resilience; UN Department of Peace Operations (DPO); UNICEF; and the World Bank.
The research detailed in this report was carried out in partnership with the Iraq-based research firm Optimum Analysis. The MEAC research team is grateful for the insights and support from its local team of advisors, who reviewed the conceptual framework and draft tools and shared expert knowledge on the Iraq context: Dr Marsin Alshamary, Melisande Genat, Sajad Jiyad, and Dr Mara Revkin.