Press Release

Media Representatives Adopt a Code for National Media in Support of Reconciliation

23 September 2017

Baghdad, Iraq, 23 September 2017 - Senior media professionals in Iraq adopted the “Code of the National Media on Peaceful Coexistence” at a conference in Baghdad with a view to support the process of national reconciliation in the post-Daesh phase.

Under the theme “media promotes coexistence and reconciliation”, more than 60 representatives of print, radio and television media convened in Baghdad on Saturday 23 September. They expressed their views and concerns on the role of media discourse and policies in promoting coexistence and reconciliation in Iraq, and discussed the way forward.

The conference was organized by the National Reconciliation Follow-up and Implementation Committee at the Prime Minister’s Office in cooperation with the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), with support from the Governments of the Netherlands and Germany.

In opening remarks, the Advisor to the Head of the National Reconciliation Follow-up and Implementation Committee, Mr. Hussein al-Adli, highlighted the importance of partnership between the government and the media in promoting national reconciliation.

“Media plays a leading role in the orientation of the public opinion,” he said. “Creating a partnership with the media will contribute to bringing rationale to the political and societal reality towards comprehensive reconciliation and a just settlement that is able to achieve sustainable peace.”

“The elite and the media institutions should recognize the national responsibility in addressing the major issues affecting the State. This conference is organized to draft a Code for a national media on peaceful coexistence to draw the media into the responsibility of advancing coexistence and bringing about the aspired stability.”

The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Iraq for Political Affairs, Mr. György Busztin, stressed the role the media can play in national reconciliation and in public opinion.

“You are coming together to agree on a code that will form the basis of a media for coexistence and fraternity, one that respects the diversity, the differences and the individual identity. It is one that rejects the ideas of discrimination and hatred that is based on race, sects or gender”.

Mr. Busztin said that this code does not mean compromising the media’s mission of conveying the truth. He added that the United Nations shares the government’s efforts towards reconciliation and supports its view of involving the media in such a process for the purpose of building awareness in society towards unity and harmony as well as promoting this culture in the public.

After deliberating, the representatives adopted the “Code of National Media for Peaceful Coexistence”. Highlights of the code included commitment to abide by the applicable laws, refrain from favoritism with politicians and influential individuals, respect the right of the people to have access to information, reject discrimination in all its forms and shapes, respect the freedom of thought, belief and expression, and strengthen communication between the media institutions and the public. The code also calls for commitment to seek the truth and truthfully conveying the facts, adhere to professional integrity and put the public interest above the media institution’s or personal interests.

The code, among other things, promotes the values of tolerance and acceptance of the other, calls for refraining from reporting material that support extremism, crime, violence or hate speech, or incite against religions, sects and regions. It also stipulates that journalists should avoid slander and deception, and to spread the values of national and international peace and contribute to creating an environment for political settlement and comprehensive reconciliation.

Under the code, journalists commit to accuracy and clarity in using terms, refrain from using terminology in reporting that refers to religious, sectarian and national affiliations, respect privacy of individuals and avoid harming their reputation, and not identify them against their will. The code also calls on journalists to refrain from releasing video or photos that violate the dignity of victims or that could endanger lives, in particular of victims of sexual violence in conflict.

Samir Ghattas

Samir Ghattas

Spokesperson and Director of Strategic Communications and Public Information Office

UNAMI Public Information Office


UN entities involved in this initiative

UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

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