Reimagining Reintegration - An Analysis of Sustainable Returns after Conflict
13 April 2023

This report Reimagining Reintegration measures sustainable reintegration across eight criteria: Safety and security; Standard of living; Economic security; Housing, land, and property; Personal documentation; Family reunification; Participation in public affair; and Legal remedies and justice
Some key findings:
- The physical safety of people is generally secure. But many communities are heavily polarized, with the drivers varying significantly by area. Nearly half of the respondents are worried that violence will reoccur.
- There is nearly full access to public services; however, significant shortfalls in quality restrict the sustainability of reintegration.
- Employment levels are largely restored to pre-conflict levels. However, domestic finances remain weak. **One in three households reported that they do not have money to buy food, or can buy food but not the other items. **
- Sustainable reintegration is not fully achieved. Half reported they cannot prosper in their current location, 1 in 10 returnees feel that someone in their household will have no option but to migrate/displace again.
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