UN Habitat Newsletter June 2023 | Issue 30

In the latest newsletter, we share UN-Habitat Iraq's remarkable achievements in rebuildingcommunities during the month of June.
In Ba'aj District, we successfully facilitated the return of 973 individuals by constructing 97housing units. Additionally, we focused on community development by rehabilitating aschool, drilling water boreholes, and providing vocational training.
The inauguration of Al Zohour Park in Tel Afar brought new life to the once-abandonedarea, while in Southern Iraq we are working to mitigate the impacts of sand and duststorms in the region.
In Sinjar District, we delivered 50 houses and a school to the Solagh Area community andrehabilitated 26 houses in Jafriyah Village.
These efforts aim to provide safe living environments, restore well-being, and promotesustainable returns. UN-Habitat Iraq's commitment to community development contributesto the overall development, stability, and hope in Iraq.