Press Release

Japan prioritizes Iraq’s health and recovery from COVID-19 in new contribution

01 June 2020

Baghdad –The Government of Japan has committed US$2.26 million to support the Government of Iraq’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Iraq.

The funds will be used to purchase critical medical equipment such as ventilators, as well as assist with socio-economic needs and impact assessments to establish post-COVID-19 recovery strategies for Iraq.

The activities fall under UNDP Iraq’s overall COVID-19 response plan which is administered through the Funding Facility for Stabilization and also includes increasing the testing capacity of laboratories, providing personal protective equipment to healthcare workers, building isolation units for infected patients and promoting social cohesion among communities.

“The emergence of COVID-19 has added yet another layer of crisis upon Iraq’s already-fragile state, crippling its healthcare system, the economy and people’s livelihoods. This is deeply concerning especially for vulnerable communities that inevitably bear the brunt of such shocks,” says UNDP Iraq’s Resident Representative, Zena Ali Ahmad.

“We’re extremely grateful for Japan’s support which is critical to not only ensuring patients receive the necessary medical care quickly and efficiently, but also to help build Iraq’s roadmap for long-term recovery post-COVID-19,” she adds.

The Ambassador of Japan to Iraq, His Excellency Mr. Naofumi Hashimoto stated,

“Given that COVID-19 is raging across the world, it is crucial for the international community to make concerted efforts, and I hope that the Japan’s assistance through UNDP will help fight against COVID-19 and address socio-economic impact.”

“Under such challenging circumstances, I wish to engage in and strengthen a close cooperation with the new Government of Iraq on a wide range of issues,” he added.

Japan is one of UNDP Iraq’s key partners, providing more than $86 million since 2014 for stabilization, community security and livelihood activities.

Fay Daoud

Fay Daoud

Team Lead, Communications and Advocacy

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