Press Release

Iraq Launches Human Rights National Action Plan

26 July 2021

UNAMI welcomes Iraq’s adoption of a five-year Human Rights National Action Plan, launched on 26 July, at an event chaired by the Deputy Minister of Justice and organized with the support of the Office of the President and UNAMI’s Human Rights Office. 

The Human Rights National Action Plan, prepared by the Ministry of Justice and endorsed by the Council of Ministers, seeks to harmonise national legislation with international human rights standards, strengthen national policies for the protection and promotion of human rights, and build human rights capacity within government institutions.

“The need for strong and coherent action on human rights is more essential than ever. The Human Rights National Action Plan provides a solid framework for the legislative, policy and procedural reforms which can prevent human rights violations in the future and will make a difference to the lives of all Iraqis”, said Danielle Bell, Chief of UNAMI’s Human Rights Office and Iraq Representative, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), speaking at the launch event.

The Government’s adoption of the Human Rights National Action Plan reflects Iraq’s continuing engagement with UNAMI, as well as with the broader United Nations human rights system, including UN treaty body mechanisms. UNAMI stands ready to support the government to ensure that the Human Rights National Action Plan is fully realized.

The full text of the speech made at this event by Ms Danielle Bell, is available here


UNAMI Public Information Office


UN entities involved in this initiative

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

Goals we are supporting through this initiative