Development Support Office

The Development Support Office (DSO), under the auspices of the Deputy Special Representative/Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator (DSRSG/RC/HC) Iraq, supports the DSRSG/RC/HC in carrying out her role and functions and integrates those functions with other mandated tasks of UNAMI. The Office supports inter-agency coordination within the United Nations system through the design and maintenance of policy, planning and coordination mechanisms, programme and operations management, policy guidance, knowledge management, advocacy and communications, while improving programme impact to achieve results.

It is also responsible for supporting the Government of Iraq, serving as the link between the United Nations and the Government’s coordination efforts to implement its various national development strategies; overseeing all relevant policy and planning frameworks; facilitating coordination between the Mission and the United Nations country team, including integrated activities within the United Nations Sustainable Development Framework and mission strategies; and supporting relations with donors, the Government, and other stakeholders on reconstruction and development priorities.

The Development Support Office provides information to support the mission, the United Nations country team, government authorities, and development partners in priority governorates. It also supports non-resident agencies in their engagement with the various stakeholders including ministries, UN agencies, and civil society organizations.

DSO supports stabilization efforts in the liberated areas, the safe and voluntary return of displaced populations, recovery activities, and the Government’s development agenda. It also coordinates with non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, and donor partners to ensure coordinated responses at the governorate, district, and city levels. The Office operates in Baghdad, Anbar, Kirkuk, Diyala, Salah ad Din, Ninawa, Erbil, Najaf, Wassit, Qadissiyah, Muthana and Basrah.