Press Release

UN Envoy congratulates Iraqi Government and people on the victories in Fallujah; says unity helps defeat the terrorists

20 June 2016

Baghdad, 20 June 2016 – The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Ján Kubiš, congratulated on Saturday 18 June the Iraqi Government and people on resounding victories in the campaign for securing the liberation of the city of Fallujah.

“I congratulate all Iraqis on resounding victories of the Iraqi security forces, popular mobilization forces and sons of the local tribes and clans as the city of Fallujah gets liberated from the ISIL terrorists. Every day that passes witnesses the demise of this evil organization within Iraq and elsewhere. The return of Fallujah to the embrace of the country signals that the days of terrorist Daesh in Iraq are counted. With unity, resolve and determination Daesh in Iraq could and will be completely defeated,” SRSG Kubiš said.

“The next step would be to transfer the responsibility for security of the city to the hands of local police and authorities and to prepare it for the safe return of its displaced population. We at the United Nations stand ready to provide all the assistance within our means,” he added.

“Liberation of Fallujah by united efforts and while respecting the rights and dignity of civilians paves the way to success in the remaining parts of Iraq still under the yoke of Daesh. It opens the door to the next chapter of the shared future for all people, all components and minorities in Iraq under the conditions of unity, cooperation, tolerance and equal rights and justice for all” said the SRSG.

SRSG Kubiš, at the same time reiterated that the government and all forces and individuals taking part in the liberation operations, undertake every effort to protect the lives and dignity of civilians and prevent abuses. “Any report of violations and abuses against civilians must be immediately investigated and if proven right, the perpetrators must be punished in full transparency. The people must be assured that the good intentions and instructions of the government and leadership of forces engaged against Daesh are meticulously followed in practice and that accountability and justice is fully achieved” said SRSG Kubiš.

The SRSG also underscored an urgent need to increase humanitarian assistance to the tens of thousands of civilians that have fled the city. “The government assisted by the national and international humanitarian community, including the UN, spares no effort here, but it is obviously overwhelmed and needs support. I appeal to all Iraqis and to the international community, notably the friendly Arab countries in the region to help their brothers that are facing additional hardship after suffering for many months from hunger, lack of medical care and trauma of terror and war”.

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UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

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