Green Future for Iraq - A Nationwide Tree Planting Campaign
29 November 2023

Baghdad, Iraq - 29 November 2023 – In alignment with Iraq’s Prime Minister's vision to foster environmental sustainability, a new nationwide tree-planting campaign is set to be launched by the United Nations agencies in Iraq in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, the Mayoralty of Baghdad, the Department of Media and Information in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and other partners. This ambitious endeavor aims to plant more than 500,000 trees across the country.
The campaign is a collaborative effort among UN agencies, young volunteers, and the private sector. It aims to tackle climate change challenges, enhance biodiversity, and improve community well-being throughout Iraq.
The tree planting campaign will be implemented in various regions of Iraq, emphasizing local community engagement, including schools and youth organizations. This multi-stakeholder approach highlights the importance of collective action in achieving the national target of planting five million trees set by Iraq’s Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani.
The initiative aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 13: Climate Action and Goal 15: Life on Land, reflecting the UN's and its partners' commitment to these objectives.
Mr. Ghulam Isaczai, the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Iraq, emphasized the significance of this collaborative effort, stating: "This tree planting campaign exemplifies the unity and collective action in mitigating the impacts of climate change and tackling pressing environmental challenges. By bringing together UN agencies, government ministries, the private sector, and the vibrant energy of Iraqi youth, we move steadfastly towards a more sustainable and greener future for Iraq. The Prime Minister's vision catalyses positive change, and we are proud to be part of this transformative journey."

Mohammed Al-Bahbahanee