Press Release

Statement by the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq

20 January 2024

Baghdad, 20 January 2024

The Middle East is at a critical juncture, with the conflict raging in Gaza and armed action elsewhere threatening a major conflagration.

Iraq is at risk of being drawn even further into this conflict. Despite the Government’s efforts to prevent the escalation of tensions, continued attacks - originating from within and outside of Iraq’s borders - stand to undo the hard-won stability of the country and the achievements it has made in recent years.

All United Nations efforts are focused on seeking an end to the Gaza conflict and avoiding a regional spillover. The Secretary-General has repeatedly called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, the delivery of sustained relief, and the full respect for international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians and the unconditional release of all hostages.

Iraq’s stability and security are front and center in all our engagements. We reiterate our appeal to all sides to exercise maximum restraint.

UN entities involved in this initiative

UN Assistance Mission for Iraq

Goals we are supporting through this initiative