UNAMI Human Rights Office facilitated a one-day dialogue on “Promoting Freedom of Expression in Iraq”. The event provided an opportunity for journalists, defence lawyers, civil society representatives, bloggers and social media influencers to engage in structured discussions with representatives of relevant government ministries (including the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, the Commission on Media and Communications, and members of the judiciary.
Participants discussed obstacles to the full enjoyment of freedom of expression and freedom of the media, both in the online and offline environment, as well as potential solutions to address the concerns identified. These included legislative and institutional reforms, consultative approaches to legislative and regulatory processes, awareness-raising programs, protection of social media influencers online, and the consistent application of existing Iraqi laws.
The event is the latest in a series of consultative discussions on freedom of expression facilitated by UNAMI Human Rights Office and is intended to provide the basis for future constructive dialogue.