UNITAD Publishes Detailed Findings of International Crimes, including Genocide, Committed by ISIL (Da’esh) against the Yazidi Community in Iraq
11 September 2024

11 September, Baghdad: As part of the completion of its activities prior to its closure, UNITAD has published a report that details the international crimes committed by ISIL (Da’esh) against the Yazidi community, ten years after the brutal attack in Sinjar. The report concludes that UNITAD has reasonable grounds to believe that war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide were committed.

“Thousands of Yazidi victims and survivors suffered untold horrors at the hands of ISIL (Da’esh) perpetrators”, said Acting Special Advisor Ana Peyró Llopis. “UNITAD had previously announced that it had reasonable grounds to believe, based on clear and convincing evidence, that genocide was committed against the Yazidis as a religious group, among other international crimes. Through the public version of this report, the world, and in particular survivors, can know on what basis this milestone finding was made. This is a critical step on the path to accountability and establishing the truth of what ISIL (Da’esh) did in Iraq, hopefully to prevent such atrocities from happening again.”
A version of this report was shared with the Supreme Judicial Council of Iraq on 10 September 2024, in accordance with UNITAD’s Terms of Reference.
The public version of the report is available here.