Press Release

European Union renews assistance to reduce violence in conflict-affected areas across Iraq: IOM

22 June 2020

Erbil – Decades of conflict in Iraq have had a devastating effect on the country and led to deeper divisions along sectarian lines.

As Iraq transitions towards a post-conflict environment, the government and the international community are invested in stabilization activities that are essential to maintaining community security and bolstering the recovery process.

The European Union, through its Instrument Contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP), will support the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in its efforts to reduce local sources of violence and support economic recovery.

The funding will cover an 18-month project — “Contributing to Ongoing Stabilization Efforts in Iraq by Preventing and Reducing Violence in Communities at Risk” — focused on two specific objectives: the resolution of grievances between local actors and the Iraqi Government; and addressing the multiple factors that might cause violence at the community level, including the return of youth that joined in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. The project’s main activities will be carried out in Basra Governorate, in southern Iraq.

“In a post-conflict context, attention quickly shifts to stabilization — it is crucial to prioritize peace and security as part of the recovery process,” said IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Gerard Waite. “Through this project communities will acquire more tools to mediate conflict at the local level, and to address social and economic factors that may lead to violence.”

“In many communities there has been a breakdown of trust between citizens and authorities, which can compromise local security,” said Martin Huth, EU Ambassador to Iraq. “This project will bring together citizens and local authorities to resolve their problems and encourage stronger cooperation on the path to stabilization and economic integration.”

The project aims to address political and economic grievances by empowering community leaders to better represent their constituents, engaging and mobilising young people, strengthening social cohesion, and improving job opportunities targeted communities. This will be done by providing mediation and peacebuilding courses, training sessions for community leaders to manage stress and tension, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services, as well as specialized consultations/health therapies for families in need.

To create jobs, tailored financial support will be provided to Small and Medium Enterprises in primary and secondary economic sectors that have high demand for labour. This will be complemented by a vocational training programme, whose graduates will be referred to the businesses supported by the project for potential employment.

Wherever possible, IOM Iraq will use existing office and activity spaces supported by Ministry of Youth and Sports or other government counterparts (such as the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health), thus contributing to their running costs and maintenance. This will help increase project sustainability and make it easier to eventually handover operations to the relevant authorities.

 IOM Iraq’s Public Information Unit

IOM Iraq’s Public Information Unit


UN entities involved in this initiative

International Organization for Migration

Goals we are supporting through this initiative