On the anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325, UNAMI urges Iraqi women parliamentarians to unite to bolster their political influence
31 October 2022
Baghdad, 31 October 2022 – Despite an unprecedented showing in the current parliament, for women to win the leverage they seek in Iraq’s male-dominated political system it is essential that they set aside partisan interests and unite in pursuit of better representation and stronger influence across the spectrum.
Today marks the 22nd anniversary of United Nations Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), a landmark resolution which calls for women’s participation and representation in political processes and conflict resolution; protection of women and girls from gender-based violence; and strengthening women’s rights under national laws, among other key elements.
This anniversary comes at a critical time for the women of Iraq. A government was formed last week which includes three women among its 21 members. Iraqi women hold 96 seats in the Council of Representatives (CoR), close to an impressive one-third of the legislature and above the 25 percent bottom line quota.
The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, said that the increased representation of women, while very much welcome and encouraged, is not enough. Irrespective of their political affiliation, women parliamentarians need to unite on issues that matter most to women, and their representation in senior government positions, political parties and other positions of influence must be bolstered. Furthermore, the new Iraqi government can benefit from women’s strength in parliament to advance its programme of reform and development, and this in turn accords women further political leverage.
The SRSG urged parliamentarians – women and men - to fully address women’s concerns and interests in future legislation to positively impact the lives of ordinary Iraqi women and girls. This should include the passing by the CoR of the Anti-Domestic Violence Bill which has been pending for a number of years.
Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert further stated: “We renew our commitment to advancing the tenets of Security Council resolution 1325, including by ensuring that the voices of Iraqi women are heard and by promoting the creation of an enabling environment for their full, equal and meaningful participation and representation in all areas of society. The new government can aid this progress by advancing the implementation of the second National Action Plan on 1325. Everyone will benefit from a stronger representation of women in society.”