Press Release

SRSG Kubiš Strongly Condemns Terrorist Attack in Salaheddin: ‘An Ugly Crime Against the Innocent’

09 March 2017

Baghdad, 09 March 2017 – The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Ján Kubiš, strongly condemns the attack by explosive belts which targeted a wedding party in the village of al-Hijjaj north of Tikrit in Salaheddin Governorate in which dozens were killed or injured on Wednesday 08 March 2017.

The SRSG offers condolences to the families of the slain and wishes the injured speedy recovery.

“This is an ugly crime against the innocent and shows that the terrorists will kill and maim irrespective of sacred traditions respected by all religions to respect weddings, funerals and holy places,” Mr. Kubiš said. "This carnage is one of their continuing cowardly attempts to undermine security and stability across the country as they lose control of their last major stronghold in Mosul,” Mr. Kubiš said.

Mr. Kubiš urged Iraqis to show unity and solidarity in the face of such attacks, saying that by vigilance and awareness they can thwart the terrorists’ schemes.

“The terrorists will not succeed and Iraq will eventually triumph.”

Samir Ghattas

Samir Ghattas

Spokesperson and Director of Strategic Communications and Public Information Office

UNAMI Public Information Office


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